Strategy Capability Analysis

Strategy Capability Analysis is an essential component of the overall CertainPoint Methodâ„¢ for business and technology optimization. The approach consists of a current state review of organizational strategy followed by an assessment of strategic deployment and tactical task alignment capabilities. 

During the current state review, we evaluate your ability to disseminate your organizational strategy, operationalize implementation, and provide a feedback loop to communicate and manage at all levels of the organization. Assessment of strategic deployment and tactical task alignment evaluates the following: 

  • Project Portfolio Strategy Alignment and Performance 
  • Intake and Prioritization 
  • Ability to Complete Planned Work 
  • Corporate Culture and Change Management 
  • Current Value Stream 
  • Performance and Risk Metrics 
  • Consistent Problem-Solving Approach 
  • Organizational Impacts

Project Portfolio Strategy Alignment and Performance

The quality of project outcomes required to meet the requests of customers and other stakeholders is a key success indicator and an important area of focus for improving your organization. We explore key project capabilities by asking the following questions: 

  • Are there clear Target Conditions (project purpose) defined for each project? 
  • Does every project align directly with one or more specific goals? 
  • What is your project success rate? How do you define success? 
  • How effective is your bi-directional communication related to strategic plans, initiatives, goals, and measures? 
  • Do you use performance and risk metrics to drive projects to success? 

We start with WHY each member of your organization does what they do. The answers to the WHY questions inform everything else we accomplish together. WHAT you do and HOW you do it are important outcomes of this process.

Intake and Prioritization

Requests for support, enhancements, and new projects can have a negative impact on your resource capacity. We assess your organization’s ability to prioritize incoming requests to align with strategy and goals.

Ability to Complete Planned Work

We assess your organization’s ability to complete work as promised. Managing resource demands to meet deliverable schedules is key to stakeholder satisfaction. A lack of alignment is often at the center of missed deadlines, miscommunication, and stakeholder dissatisfaction.

Corporate Culture and Change Management

Understanding your organization’s corporate culture and readiness for change are essential elements of an effective change management effort. We evaluate your change management processes, personnel, measures, and systems. This portion of the assessment is used to develop recommendations for managing enterprise change.

Current Value Stream

We deliver a high-level Value Stream Map of your current processes. We identify gaps, issues, and non-value-added activities to help you focus resources on what matters most. 

As a part of the Value Stream Mapping approach, we uncover and document how your teams are structured and what systems are involved in producing deliverables.

Performance and Risk Metrics

Measurement systems of planned deliverables are critical to understanding organizational performance and risk, as well as communicating status to stakeholders. We evaluate your project delivery measures, assess your full organizational metrics package, and identify gaps in best practices for standard reports and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). Additionally, we review your organizational risks and evaluate your project portfolio against your prioritized Key Risk Indicators (KRI’s). Any gaps in required KPI’s and KRI’s are noted for remediation.

Consistent Problem-Solving Approach

We advocate for a consistent problem-solving approach that allows for more predictable outcomes, improved communication, and leadership clarity. If you don’t already have an effective problem-solving approach, CertainPoint provides training on an 8-step problem-solving technique as a foundation for continuous improvement. In addition to training your leadership, we also instruct them how to teach their direct reports in implementing problem-solving solutions. This approach is a starting point and may be customized to the specific needs of your organization.

Organizational Impacts

A clear understanding of your organization’s ability to effectively craft and execute organizational strategy and operationalize and align tactical tasks is foundational to successfully realizing your Vision, Mission, and Goals. CertainPoint provides you with a standardized set of Strategy Capability Analysis tools designed to maximize positive organizational impacts and deliver future success.

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