Reconstitution Management Suite
Reconstitution Management Suite is a complete solution detailing how to get your business back to normal after a pandemic or any incident that disrupts normal business operations.
In the context of COVID-19, Reconstitution Management plans and procedures need to be reexamined. The pace at which global organizations can re-engage in normal business operations may vary significantly. Complex value chains that span global geographies and industries have different timings and dependencies, resulting in a staggered return to normal.
The threat of additional infections and deaths will persist and governmental and health authorities will wrestle with the difficult decisions surrounding the timing and extent of lifting social distancing precautions. Likewise business leaders will need to carefully consider how to return to normal (pre-disaster) operations. Counter to traditional thinking of organizations returning to normal operations (Reconstitution) only after the threat has passed, pandemic Reconstitution efforts will have to be conducted in the face of an ongoing response. These Reconstitution efforts present considerable challenges far beyond the scope envisioned in most Reconstitution planning efforts.
The CertainPoint Reconstitution Management Suite provides a methodology for examining the risks, mitigations, planning considerations, and measures required for putting people back to work and keeping the economy running. In addition, the methodology seeks to strike the balance of pandemic Reconstitution while maintaining the significant health and safety benefits achieved through the sacrifice of so many.